One of THE most devastating, catastrophic event that ever hit the OUR CLUB people this must be! Amin the president is charged for cycling over a bird on Jalan BU 6/11 and under the condemnation from himself. It is highly suspected that this bird might be the last specimen of the bird only known by its scientific name Yaamin bandarutamaensis subspecies rihannae.
Mr Amin is currently not BAILED OUT from the problem because of his terrible act of whistling-while-cycling-back-from-girl's-house-because-very-happy-and-in-his-excitement-forgot-to-look-for-what-is-on-the-road-and-take-no-notice-of-a-poor-avian-creature-lying-on-the-road-with-a-bruised-leg-and-WORST-still-thought-it-was-a-bump-on-the-road-and-just-let-his-dunno-what-brand-bicycle-wheels-roll-mercilessly-over-the-creature-God-created-that-a-loud-"PRAKKK"-sound-echoed-through-the-whole-BU6-neigbourbood.
Mr Amin is currently not BAILED OUT from the problem because of his terrible act of whistling-while-cycling-back-from-girl's-house-because-very-happy-and-in-his-excitement-forgot-to-look-for-what-is-on-the-road-and-take-no-notice-of-a-poor-avian-creature-lying-on-the-road-with-a-bruised-leg-and-WORST-still-thought-it-was-a-bump-on-the-road-and-just-let-his-dunno-what-brand-bicycle-wheels-roll-mercilessly-over-the-creature-God-created-that-a-loud-"PRAKKK"-sound-echoed-through-the-whole-BU6-neigbourbood.

I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly

As with most birds that is featured on my blog... they tend to end in tragedy, but with faith, birdie, you can soar on wings like eagles!

Mr Amin as shown in picture is at his most pitiful state trying to seek forgiveness from a BIRD. He promised to bring the bird to some veterinarian in One Utama, but what is done is done...

Now it's raining more than ever
But we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh)
Ya Amin, Rihanna's Curse!