Here's the pic of that bird.
Later my dad came to the rescue and gave it some water to drink from my dad's artificial pond. Then it gave some poo on my dad's ungrateful! and later it pooed AGAIN! This time caught red-handed on camera by me.
But actually the weird pooing was a bad sign. Later when it was brought to the table and left to rest. It really slept...and slept forever! It died. I don't know whatever the reason was. Nature was cruel. Maybe it was its mum did not fed it and it started venturing, maybe its sibling kicked it out or maybe it was the greenish possibly still chlorinated water gave by my dad or maybe it was me who handle it without care. Whatever the reasons, it died.
Many birds came to my house and they died. They mistaken the glass window as the forest. One bang, doesn't matter it flew all the way from China, it was killed by it. Isn't life all too fragile? We buried that one between one of the trees in my garden. I had another encounter too at my old house. That burial preparation was rather too and coffin and a CROSS! The procession was mournful even though I knew not the bird for a long time. It's just a sparrow...nothing much nothing less, but still a LIFE and I treasure it.
Luke 12:6-7
Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
This verse is so comforting. I am His and He is mine. He will protect me through all times and revive me with Living Water...
Here is a song to share from Hillsong United:
CameTo My Rescue
Falling on my knees in worship
Giving all I am to seek Your face
Lord all I am is is Yours
My whole life
I place in Your hands
God of mercy
Humbled I bow down
In your presence at Your throne
I called You answered
And You came to my rescue and I
I wanna be where You are
In my life be lifted high
In our world be lifted high
In our love be lifted high