Too emo...Let the pictures do the talking...
The table where we once enjoyed potluck breakfast when we were Form 3 before starting to eat in class at 5Sc1 during recess...oops...hope no discipline teacher reads this...No, it's authorised site to eat as we have to "jaga" the kelas of thieves...hehe!
The same old bawah pokok where almost all koko meetings are held...PBSM, Science and Maths and Koir. Ah, one more Sidang Redaksi meeting when I couldn't figure out a location to take our eccentric group photo...
The wide field which I hated so much at one time. All the hari latihan sukan which really is just running, but I'm glad the teachers did gave me chance to throw a javelin and to lompat kijang. Even though, as usual, this un-sporty guy did not do well, the exposure was rather fun. By the way, Pn Rohana is a good sportswomen in her younger days and continues to be... Thanks, my dearest form teacher!
The school front compound...all too yellow for the Golden Jubilee Celebration...and argh those trees blocking the view, just like it makes my badminton shuttles stuck in its branches and provides branches for birds to poo right in the middle of my head TWICE!!!
View of the field from the library block. Couldn't find Pn Norlela to help her entering book information into comp, so start shooting pictures.
Tapak Perhimpunan - the place where a lot of memories come, fond but mostly not fond... never ending speeches on Monday, kawat and lining up on Wednesday for Perhimpunan Koko and the every form Perhimpunan, where pengawas need to stand and where teachers sit facing the Sun, scoldings after scoldings which result in nothing but the announcement of Bible Knowledge being the only subject in SABS SPM 2007 with the astounding achievement of 100% A1 was a great event. Praise the LORD!!!
Now leaving school, will miss all my teachers and friends, young and old, all my AJKs and the wondrous time in PBSM. All the people I met and experience gained here will never be forgotten. SABS will hold a special place in my heart and undoubtedly till forever.
P.S. Thanks to those who greeted and ask how I was doing. Never thought people still remembered me. Guess I did have my contributions after all besides being Mr Yong's Son.