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Sunday, 31 August 2008

August Babies Birthday Pictures [except Calvin]

Daniel, Sarah and Chia Venn
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y!!!

Daniel peekaboo-ing at the cake giving ceremonySecret Recipe's Chocolate IndulgenceSeem familiar like some cut out from Passion World Tour and IBA Unplugged?Awarded the cutest picture of the year
Fern and Jaevon posing at the see-saw
The orang utans of KBU
Geisha Chui ChinThree Retards with GeishaEdwin and Chang Win with GeishaGeisha under umbrella with Gabriel, Jonathan [Abraham], Jabez and Gabriel
Did I forget to mention KBU students poser sial betul?

Yong Xin
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y!!!

Happy Birthday Boy

Mustering strength to blow out the candles
Testing resistance of non-Secret Recipe cake

Beng, Leong, Calvin and Nicholas (chopstick guy)
The whole gang torturing the taukeh to take photo
Another archetypal Calvin caught in eating
Posing at One Utama Carpark

Pictures copyleft of Chan, Calvin and Woei Song