Not trying understand why people define 18 years old as the "MATURE" age, but I sure know why I existed till now - because there is a loving God caring and protecting all the way. And indeed must thank Him for bestowing such height for such a lowly creature as me... and he uses my height to reach even greater heights in other people's life. Just couldn't thank Him more!
While enjoying the fresher air unpolluted from excessive carbon dioxide owing to the 189 centimetres, He really gave me a heart to see others from the top, not looking down on them. (figuratively correct but physically-wise cannot be changed unless you stand on higher ground and I in the longkang). I just want to thank everyone who "humbled" themselves to communicate with a towering stick just like Jack's beanstalk. And I hope I have bring encouragement and joy to you being a friend and so sorry-lah that something just slipped off my clumsy tongue.
Anyway, some of you might be wondering what's KiloCal... Well, it's a nickname from my IELTS teacher Mr Kok which actually describes the opposite of me... Probably it's time stop growing upwards but sidewards by eating more kilocalories! However, as you know the body is not really obeying the mind, so don't expect too much!
Calligraphy Masterpiece from Sifu Chan
They bought Durian Cheese Cake from Secret Recipe! Oh how I miss durian and thanks guys for making this not a year without durians for Kilocal.
Crazy KBU students with water balloons and FLOUR!!!
Make cake for KiloCal also need not like that
Nicholas wearing the bucket cap
(oh no more descriptions, nanti kena belasah kau kau)
(Chan and I really look so similar meh? till a few NOT ONE hawkers misindentified us and STOP calling us Twin Towers of KBU)
KBU students kena langgar by kereta in front of their student houses!
(Ish, why I can't even act dead)
Thank you so much every one who planned this totally SURPRISING birthday party and all the gifts and all the SMS-es, CBox comments, Friendster comments, Facebook comments and blog posts!