So where went the RM 200? Of course to newly opened East Coast Mall during our Idiot Gang reunion. Okay, only about RM 20 (10% of the original amount) went there. First of course, the very goody-goody boy Calvin doesn't like wasting money. And second, the things there were too expensive to buy... The latter reason seems more relevant though...
With Jyo Lyn's time and after repetition "MEET AT THE ENTRANCE!!!", all Idiots gathered at the entrance and looking too smart to be KOA (Kuantan Orang Asli). Some went as often as four times already when the Mall just opened four days ago, but still did not know quite sure where to go. It's a little big for KOAs. Carrefour and Parkson and all brands in the world cramped into this place. It is just too great a temptation and curiosity to visit the East Coast Mall for the KOAs.
After hearing speeches after speeches under the searing heat of the unventilated school hall, the place to head for was FOOD! From the ground floor, the aroma of the Laksa Specialist was detected not just by Rodent but all. Up to the third floor we went, but even the hungry tummys can't keep us away from peeping into shops. Some guys inclusive of yours truly went to the toilet. And it was in a horrible condition. There is still an unsightly plank on top of the stalls and the taps was so complicated to open and they managed only driplets. Anyway, yours truly wanted to waste his 1GB Sandisk Compact Flash Card, so very lamely the four took pictures in front of the mirror. Chauvinistic vanity...
Get what I mean? Haha...
After lavatory visitation, arouse a dilemma of choosing which restaurant to have their lunch. Laksa Specialist was jammed pack and the laksa was way too expensive, Johnny's Steamboat was also full, KFC not full but takkan come to East Coast eat at KFC? Last option, Rasamas. It was pretty full too and it took us many rounds and rounds on Third Floor before we went berkokok bersama Rasamas...
The food was not that okay anyway, still eatable. I was having a hard time fighting the chicken and help came from future surgeon Dr Gabriel. For your information, I am a very lazy eater and don't really know how to eat. That is probably one of the reasons I'm so bamboo...
Filled the stomach, it was time to walk walk. What really caught our attention are the laptops at Sony. All like a bunch of idiots and indeed we are, start to throw faces in front of the laptops only to get such weird pictures... Greek warrior Chan and Pirate Calvin...
Watching us in horror were Ju Vin and Jia Li outside. Meet again, haha, East Coast Mall is after all a better place to be than school...
Do you see the Sushi King behind the pic? Mr Calvin, the shoot everything photographer, ask the Botaks to pose there. Sometimes, throwfacism is a better memory and an example was this shot.
However, seeing all the expensive price tags and nowhere to sit down and yamcha, East Coast Mall lost its attraction and we flew to Coffee Street, somewhere near MegaMall, the now haunted Mall thanks to EC Mall.
A plastic glass of drink and soon the lame jokes and wuliaoism took over... Evidence? Playing with water, trying to leave some footsteps of Idiots...
Great day with great friends but not at such great location. Tadaa... ends another day of the Idiots!