The Ujian Teori Pemandu Berkomputer (Driving Theory Test) today is FRIGHTENING enough, even with hard core drilling into the 500 question book... Those two indifferent, talk nothing but command ladies sat lazily at the counter waiting to devour your IC and SmartKad add much more fear. And they thumbprint you... making you like mere slaves back in 1600s or trying to make you human guinea pig for the alien genetics experiments.
With sweaty palms, 11 minutes of hitting the mouse and blankstaring at the monitor - 46/50...ANDA LULUS, SILA PERGI KAUNTER UNTUK MENCETAK SLIP KEPUTUSAN... Them again? After carefully slipping to take the result slip and not angering the smoke billowing ladies, I ran away with much trepidation from the RILEK Centre. Relax? It was like WAR between human and aliens, or more correctly Alien vs Predator...
And come back only to happily read a post on Kee Ken how to ger-de-bum in your driving test and the Sarah Loke scoring 47/50 with one night study... So don't ever call me a PhD or smarty pants. And thinking back of the car parts I learn during the not so scary KPP talk, I am still in the darkness of what is gear (for what I know is gearing for exam only) and what is clutch (seems like chicken cluck-cluck-cluck).
And I remember last time Sarah Loke through some weird sms proposing a hypothesis linking tallness and driving speed which is totally proven wrong. Tall neck means you bump your head before you enter and bump again at the very tall car roof and get bump from the instructor. Tall legs means you have to cramp in a Kancil car, your legs will get entangled, lose coordination as to which leg to hit the clutch, brake and accelerator and end up in ACCIDENT at the driving school. And go home got TALL tales and panjang lebar cheong hei-ness...
And after Calvin has contracted Car Driving Phobia:
"To add insult to injury, most phobia therapies take require years of treatment and sometimes even require the patient to be repeatedly exposed to their fear. We believe that this is unnecessary and often makes the condition worse. And it is particularly cruel as driving phobia can be eliminated with the right methods and just 24 hours of commitment.
Phobias can cause panic attacks and keep people apart from loved ones and business associates. Symptoms typically include shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and overall feelings of dread, although everyone experiences driving phobia in their own way and may have different symptoms."
And then Car Ride Phobia:
"To add insult to an already distressing condition, most car ride phobia therapies take months or years and sometimes even require the patient to be exposed repeatedly to their fear. We believe that not only is this totally unnecessary, it will often make the condition worse. And it is particularly cruel as car ride phobia can be eliminated with the right methods and just 24 hours of commitment by the phobic individual.
Known by a number of names - Amaxophobia and Fear of Riding in Cars being the most common - the problem often significantly impacts the quality of life. It can cause panic attacks and keep people apart from loved ones and business associates. Symptoms typically include shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and overall feelings of dread, although everyone experiences car ride phobia in their own way and may have different symptoms."
Then Calvin's existence will cease...And enter beyond the pearly gates where there is no CARS...