Don't worry, this is a shorter post with greater news! Haha...
I drive through the whole Kuantan already, so RBS people need not worry of transport when they come to Kuantan. Calvin will be your tour guide and driver. Haha, don't be scared though...
Today, I had to drive really starting at my doorstep and back again to doorstep. Switching gears are really exciting, which I can get really over-excited of it. And there were many traffic lights to do that. Gear one, gear two, gear three, gear four, then all over again. Made some mistakes though, but he's sentiasa smiling. So people, be envy of my driving instructor! *Evil grins*
But today was the first time I realise Kuantan really A LOT OF CARS, probably because I was the one doing the driving, tension a little. And those huge Pajeros so like to follow you at a very "safe-aka-few-inches-away" distance. Thank God, no crazy driver suddenly turn from a junction without stopping. Sometimes, having a big L or P plate in your car helps you to gain some respect from irrespective drivers in Malaysia.
Talking about respect, I really respect my driving instructor! TABIK! When I almost reach, at the world's most dangerous junction, I PANICKED and I mati-ed enjin three times. And still he's sentiasa smiling. "No, Calvin... try again.""Aiyoh, you did great along the way, but reach home die engine. Funny lar you. Next time don't panic." And he chuckled off... hey, that's my driving instructor...
(Hope I just don't bang his car, he won't be smiling then...XD)
Ok, that's all from me. Monday afternoon is another day to drive, another day of adventure. Then I can start touring my friends to yamcha...haha