POOF! All my Yayasan Pahang money gone into this... some dunno-what-funny-named-brand-from-China called Pao Chia took away 400++bucks in Kuantan Music Centre. All thanks to Yamaha who sells only two acoustic guitars in that whole shop. Guitar addiction can make you desperate. Desperate for a bag to hold the guitar, desperate for a tuner because Calvin is tone deaf, desperate for a pick which costed three bucks!
But I guess it's still worth it because I made a really nice friend out this guitar desperation, Sin Young (yeah his English name sounds very sinful...haha).
It's going to be a hard journey of strumming this guitar. That guitar as said in the books need 6 MONTHS to wake up! Now its tone sounded like when I wake up at noon that kind of coarse voice. Nevertheless, fingering my long fingers on the fretboard is rather convenient.
And then there was this fun ENO product to play with. I really do not know about ENO product except the stomach easing one.
It's really fun to play with this cool gadget eventhough it started its existence in China.
And this gadget helped me tune my violin too. Finally it's not going to be rusted!
Guitar journey is still super long way. Those barre chords, arrgh super painful and the sound still buzz!