I pray, for I clearly know that I need
I pray, for I can no longer fake the feelings
I pray, for Your love is what I need
My God, yes I can say MY God, just like how I can say my dad, is really a loving God, just like my daddy. Praying is actually just talking to Him and you can talk to Him just anything. Why do we still tell Him of our stuff even He knows all about us? Words are powerful. Thoughts expressed verbally means action, means you care to let Him know. Try thinking that you know that you love your dad but you did not say it. Do you think your dad don't know that you love him? But he really appreciates when you take the effort to say "DAD, I LOVE YOU." While praying, you need not to use complicated words or phrases, thees or thous. You can even address Him as Daddy in heaven!
He's not like our earthly dad who can't all times be with you. He promises to be there with you at all times, free to talk any moment about anything, but we often turn to him as our last resort, when all things fail us. Then again, He still loves us, no matter how tiny and small we feel. He understands all the trials and problems we went through. He wipes off every tear. And He comforts us with his still, small voice.
I just want let you know such a God exists. Whenever you feel the whole world cave in all around you, know that You can still talk to Him. He answers.
A really nice Chinese song to share with you...
禱告 I Pray
禱告, 因為我渺小 [dǎo gào yīn wèi wǒ miáo xiǎo]
I pray, for I am small and tiny
禱告, 因為我知道我需要 [dǎo gào yīn wèi wǒ zhī dào xū yào]
I pray, for I clearly know that I need
明暸 [míng liáo]
祢心意對我重要 [Ní xīn yì duì wǒ zhòng yào]
Your will is central to me
禱告, 已假裝不了 [dǎo gào yǐ jiǎ zhuāng bù liǎo]
I pray, for I can no longer fake the feelings
禱告, 因為祢的愛我需要 [dǎo gào yīn wèi Ní de aǐ wǒ xū yào]
I pray, for Your love is what I need
祢關懷 [Ní guān huái]
You care
我走過的祢都明白 [wǒ zǒu guò de Ní dōu míng bái]
What I went through, You understand
有些事我只想要對祢說 [yǒu xiē shì wǒ zhǐ xiǎng yào duì Ní shuō]
Some things I just wanna tell you
因祢比任何人都愛我 [yīn Ní bǐ rèn hé rén dōu aǐ wǒ]
'cause no one loves me like You
痛苦從眼中流下 [tòng kǔ cóng yǎn zhōng liú xià]
Tears of pain from my eye flowed
我知道祢為我擦 [wǒ zhī dào Ní wèi wǒ chā]
I know You wiped it away for me
在早晨我也要來對袮說 [zài zǎo chēn wǒ yě lái duì Ní shuō]
As day breaks I wanna cry to You:
主耶穌今天我為祢活 [Zhǔ Yē Sū jīn tiān wǒ wèi Ní huǒ]
Lord Jesus today I live for You
所需要的力量 [suǒ xū yào de lì liàng]
All the strength that I need
袮天天賜給我 [Ní tiān tiān cì gěi wǒ]
Daily you give it to me
祢恩典夠我用 [Ní ēn diǎn gòu wǒ yòng]
Your grace is all I need