WARNING: Read at your own risk! A totally lame post by the lamest three in the Wuliaolism Society of Kuantan…

WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, let them present to you:

Across unending horizons of the South China Sea, three figures of maids and maidens but not mermaids, neither are lala chai’s… battled through tsunamis and typhoons for days and nights uncountable. At last, they saw land; they saw hope and they sang LALALALA…
However, the land was a cruel one, it was endless grayness of deserts…

And deserts…

They walk and walk till their body got elongated and distorted into alien grandma and grandpa shapes.

However, they are persistent people who will endeavour all things. Never are they gonna give up and be a lump of bonelessness. (aka they have a lot guat hei…)

But got guat hei also, no need be so proud izzit?

Haha, no lah, they are proud because they found jelly to eat – Nature’s dessert in a desert. They were very excited over the discovery of a shipwrecked jellyfish…

And they kept singing their joyous song LALALALA…


Finally, FOOD!

After days of hunger and thirst, this is totally glorious food. However, it did not end there but with a plethora of seafood delicacy!
King Crab, French snails, hermits and LALA!!!

What more can a maid ask?
Don’t believe it’s king crab?

What’s that then?
[Seriously, you just got to understand, if you haven’t seen a king crab, that’s a king crab to you even experts know it’s just a hermit crab. Anyway, remember this text is written by maids…]
What’s a King Crab without a poser?

And another poser…

And another more…

Oops, quality control must have dropped. Fail-lah become poser this one until the King Crab also don’t want to throw his face.
Anyway, King Crab don’t want to come out, another BIGGER CRAB came to the limelight.

So innocent looking… but wait till it reveals its claws…

Or legs or whatsoever, but no one can deny it has horny eyes…

BIGGER CRAP! Of course kena pose…

Happy day, happy eating and it’s time to dig a hole…

Or you prefer larger, more comfortable and sit-able ones?


Banyak banyak… so that nature’s decomposers have work to do.
So the day ended victoriously…

Yeah, victoriously…

A new day awaits for tomorrow… A day of liberty…
[See the Statue of Liberty on the left hand side? The other weird grandma doing taichi one don’t ask me what is it]

And perhaps of new hope too…

And how can a day be complete without camwhoring?

Behold, the three Bachelor of Honours, nope, Spinsters of Honours in Maid-ism graduated from the University of Filipino Maids, who had to risk their lives to come this unknown shores of Malaysia to serve you… May our friendship be blessed to be a blessing to others!
WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, let them present to you:
Across unending horizons of the South China Sea, three figures of maids and maidens but not mermaids, neither are lala chai’s… battled through tsunamis and typhoons for days and nights uncountable. At last, they saw land; they saw hope and they sang LALALALA…
However, the land was a cruel one, it was endless grayness of deserts…
And deserts…
They walk and walk till their body got elongated and distorted into alien grandma and grandpa shapes.
However, they are persistent people who will endeavour all things. Never are they gonna give up and be a lump of bonelessness. (aka they have a lot guat hei…)
But got guat hei also, no need be so proud izzit?
Haha, no lah, they are proud because they found jelly to eat – Nature’s dessert in a desert. They were very excited over the discovery of a shipwrecked jellyfish…
And they kept singing their joyous song LALALALA…
Finally, FOOD!
After days of hunger and thirst, this is totally glorious food. However, it did not end there but with a plethora of seafood delicacy!
King Crab, French snails, hermits and LALA!!!
What more can a maid ask?
Don’t believe it’s king crab?
What’s that then?
[Seriously, you just got to understand, if you haven’t seen a king crab, that’s a king crab to you even experts know it’s just a hermit crab. Anyway, remember this text is written by maids…]
What’s a King Crab without a poser?
And another poser…
And another more…
Oops, quality control must have dropped. Fail-lah become poser this one until the King Crab also don’t want to throw his face.
Anyway, King Crab don’t want to come out, another BIGGER CRAB came to the limelight.
So innocent looking… but wait till it reveals its claws…
Or legs or whatsoever, but no one can deny it has horny eyes…
BIGGER CRAP! Of course kena pose…
Happy day, happy eating and it’s time to dig a hole…
Or you prefer larger, more comfortable and sit-able ones?
Banyak banyak… so that nature’s decomposers have work to do.
So the day ended victoriously…
Yeah, victoriously…
A new day awaits for tomorrow… A day of liberty…
[See the Statue of Liberty on the left hand side? The other weird grandma doing taichi one don’t ask me what is it]
And perhaps of new hope too…
And how can a day be complete without camwhoring?
Behold, the three Bachelor of Honours, nope, Spinsters of Honours in Maid-ism graduated from the University of Filipino Maids, who had to risk their lives to come this unknown shores of Malaysia to serve you… May our friendship be blessed to be a blessing to others!