Since today is Father's Day, my blog shall be filled with something related to my dad. I know it's torturous to read my mighty long posts without any pictures. Not today!
Here is a "birthday card" for my dad by his 1997 Upper Six SABS students.
Note: You hover over the [bracketed text] for a translation of what my dad is speaking and what is the interesting meaning behind it
Date: 14th January 1997
Time: 8.20 am
“Excuse me Mr Yong, something has happened and we need to conduct a spot-check right NOW in this U6Sc1!! All the other Science classes will have to come in also.”
[“HAH!! Okay, Nah dengar ahhh. Saya tak mau ada pelajar kelas ini yang kena tangkap ahhh sebab SAYA yang akan terpaksa tanggung!!!”]
The classes move in and start closing the doors and windows.
“HOOOI, APA PUNYA SPOT-CHECK NI!!! KENA tutup semua pintu one meh!?!?”
Hmmm, the Prefect Board seems to be losing its touch. This “Spot-Check” business seems to be a very happy event. Mr Yong looks like he is promoting the “Smile with your heart and the world smiles with you” theme.
“Err, thank you, thank you banyak-banyak ahh…”
No, actually THANK YOU Yong Sir, if it weren’t for YOU… how else could we possibly get a better excuse to skip one whole period of studies leh????
These cakes took TWO honourable Secretaries from Sc1 to [“kau tim”].
And this is the BIRTHDAY BOY blowing out the candles, unfortunately … Not very successful.
This picture clearly [membuktikan] bahawa our Physics sifu terpaksa meminta S.O.S. from his Sc2 monitor.
This is Mr Yong showing that there is not much resistance ([rintangan]) involved when cutting a cake.
Ohhhh … “somebody”s REALLY haaappy today …
[“Nanti cikgu mau kamu semua uji kapasitans masing masing menggunakan kek ini ahh …”]
This is the school’s STRONGEST MAN ([dari segi suara]) posing with the ’97 U6Sc1 students; double maths students who see double the amount of “stars” the other science students see.
This is Mr Yong (with his “You better listen to me when I’m teaching or you watch out!” look) posing with ’97 U6Sc2 students. Mr Yong is incidentally also the “[tai see taw]” of this class.
This is the best photo of all. Do note that some KRAZY dare-devil has made the all-powerful YONG SAU PENG grow two horn!! Wanna solve the mystery?!?! It is obvious enough who knows who the culprit is…
This photo shows Ah Yong Sir posing with Ms Khor and the U6Sc3 students of ’97; the MOST quiet class in SABS. Well, that is according to Mr Lai anyway …
This is Mr Yong showing his appreciation: